Базовые потребности и субъективное благополучие с точки зрения теории самодетерминации

  • Мартин Линч


Whether the experience of autonomy is important to people in non-Western, collectivist societies has been hotly debated. This study investigated the cross-cultural relevance of autonomy support as a quality of interpersonal relationships. Specifically, participants from three countries — China, Russia, and the United States — responded to items reflecting the degree to which they experienced each of six relationships as autonomy supportive as well as items assessing their personal well-being and relationship satisfaction. Results demonstrated that in each country, when participants experienced their relationship partners as more autonomy supportive, they experienced greater psychological well-being and were more satisfied in their relationships. Results are discussed in terms of implications for cross-cultural theory and for practice in applied domains.


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Как цитировать
ЛинчМ. (2011). Базовые потребности и субъективное благополучие с точки зрения теории самодетерминации. Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики, 1(3), 137-142. https://doi.org/10.17323/1813-8918-2004-3-137-142
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