The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence in Musicians and Artists by MSCEIT V. 2.0

  • Татьяна Васильевна Князева Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 Jaroslavskaja, Moscow, 129366, Russia
Keywords: emotional intelligence, MSCEIT V.2.0 method, professional specificity of emotional intelligence, test adaptation


Russian version of J. Mayer’s, P. Salovey’s, D. Caruso’s MSCEIT V.2.0 method was used for the measurement of emotional intelligence. The hypothesis of positive correlation between emotional intelligence and musical and artistic profiles of education was proved to be true. General score for emotional intelligence shown by the artists and musicians was found to be between that of psychologists and technicians and non-humanitarians. The study tends to improve Russian adaptation of the method and to increase its criterial validity.


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How to Cite
КнязеваТ. В. (2011). The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence in Musicians and Artists by MSCEIT V. 2.0 . Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 7(3), 129-138.
Work in Progress