Moral Psychological Factors of Economic Self-Determination in Contemporary Russian Leaders

  • Алла Борисовна Купрейченко
Keywords: economic self-determination, economic activity tendencies in leaders, psychological types of moral evaluation of money, moral psychological determination


The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of moral psychological factors that influence the economic self-detemination process in contemporary Russian organisational leaders. Moral psychological mechanisms that stimulate and inhibit economic activity are described. The results of an empirical study indicate that moral evaluation of money and the business world by organisational leaders is closely associated with their attitudes toward observing the moral principles of behaviour within their business activity. Combinations of different levels and modalities of these indicators suggest distinct psychological types that differ in economic activity characteristics.


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How to Cite
КупрейченкоА. Б. (2011). Moral Psychological Factors of Economic Self-Determination in Contemporary Russian Leaders. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 8(2), 40-58.
Human, business, organisation