Psychology in the Zinchenko Space-Time (an Essay in Personological Interpretation)

  • Вадим Артурович Петровский Department of Psychology of Personality; Board of Tenured Professors; Laboratory for Philosophical Studies
Keywords: consciousness, redundancy, self-consciousness, understanding and base-laying science, science of self-acting consciousness, objectivation and subjectivation, vital movement, inter-sign transitions


The psychology beginning in V.P. Zinchenko’s personality can be defined as a fundamentally understanding and base-laying science of the foundations of individual lives, social life, and existence of civilisation and culture, a science revealing a range of possibilities, temptations, and perspectives to its followers. The necessary conditions for a synthesis between the exploratory and base-laying functions of psychology are analysed, turning it into a science of self-acting consciousness, inseparable from personality of its creator; a science of acts, instruments and results of individual and universal self-consciousness, demonstrating how consciousness can exist overcoming facticity and revealing new degrees of its freedom before itself and outside itself. The history of psychology for V.P. Zinchenko is a way of objectivation and subjectivation of consciousness using the means of consciousness itself.


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How to Cite
ПетровскийВ. А. (2011). Psychology in the Zinchenko Space-Time (an Essay in Personological Interpretation). Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 8(3), 75-91.
Russian Psychologists: V.P. Zinchenko. Living Memory