Developmental Cycles of Projective Methodology and New Possibilities for Self-Awareness Research

  • Наталья Семеновна Бурлакова Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Keywords: inner dialogue, psychotherapy, self-consciousness, projective methods, history of projective methods, cycles in the development of projective methodology, conditions for actualization of projective material, role of the researcher


This paper looks into the association between fundamental and applied research in clinical psychology, showing their interdependence and mutual determination. The development of projective methodology in practical and experimental psychology is reviewed. It is shown that advancement and reflection of projective methodology evolves in cycles. Projective methods are viewed as a crucially new level of psychological analysis and understanding of personality, as well as its development. The author points out at the specifics of usage of projective methods with children, when not only the procedure itself changes, but the received data as well. The iIntroduction of special reflection is suggested, which would fixate a stimulus situation, including the one that is created by the research itself. Based on the author’s own experience of research with children, a the possibility of transition to a new level of projective work is discussed. At this stage, which marks the beginning of a new cycle, it becomes possible to transcend the existing projective methodology, retaining its advantages and reaching new possibilities for objectivation and analysis of the inner dialogues in self-awareness. With such an approach the results of the study can be put into practice, which implies real help for the subject. The author shows that the sharp contradiction between the research and the psychotechnic action is absolutely groundless. The bond between scientific psychology and psychotherapy becomes more obvious and conscious today. With such an approach to projective research, wide possibilities of variation of conditions of receiving projective material is are implied. For a broader picture of the received data, special dialogical methods of analysis are needed.


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How to Cite
БурлаковаН. С. (2012). Developmental Cycles of Projective Methodology and New Possibilities for Self-Awareness Research. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(4), 111-124.