Measuring Positive and Negative Affect: Development of a Russian-language Analogue of PANAS

  • Евгений Николаевич Осин Faculty of Psychology; Positive Psychology and Life Quality Research Team
Keywords: PANAS, psychological assessment of emotions, scales of positive affect and negative affect (SPANA), cross-cultural equivalence, confirmatory factor analysis


The paper presents the development of a Russian language questionnaire “Scale of Positive and Negative Affectivity” (SPANA) based on the English-language PANAS measure. The cross-cultural equivalence of the short 20-item version of the questionnaire was tested by means of multi-group confirmatory factor analysis using data from an English-language (N=450) and a Russian-language (N=475) sample. Measurement unit equivalence of the two instruments was established, although full score equivalence was not fully supported by the data. The new SPANA instrument shows high reliability and predictable associations with other subjective well-being indicators. Cultural and gender differences in positive and negative score are presented and discussed. The latent structure of an extended 57-item pool of Russian-language emotional descriptors is presented, resulting in a set of scales similar to PANAS-X available for research use.


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How to Cite
ОсинЕ. Н. (2012). Measuring Positive and Negative Affect: Development of a Russian-language Analogue of PANAS. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(4), 91-110.
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