Mathematical Psychology as Part of Economic Theory

  • Алексей Владимирович Белянин Public Policy Department; International College of Economics and Finance; Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics


The article describes and compares the approaches towards individual behaviour derived from economics and psychology. It focuses on contemporary theories of choice in the condition of risk. In spite of all the formal differences between the two disciplines, they have a lot in common. They share both empirical methods and rational theoretical approaches towards human behaviour. Thus, they use the same logical schemes in constructing theories of choice and verifying theorems of representation, as in Daniel Kahneman’s and Amos Tversky’s conception of «heuristics and shifts». Recently, an alternative programme has emerged; it describes procedures and conditions of choice within the framework of Herbert A. Simon’s conception of limited rationality. Yet, viewing human activity as conscious, purposeful and rational, both approaches leave out its most important feature — its creative character, which cannot be reduced to given rules and is shaped by the context and the social and cultural milieu. Nevertheless, the author believes that progress in the human sciences will depend on the latter.


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How to Cite
БелянинА. В. (2011). Mathematical Psychology as Part of Economic Theory. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(3), 106-128.
Economic Psychology