Counteraction to Competitors’ Learning and «Trojan Horse» Teaching in Economic Behaviour

  • Александр Николаевич Поддьяков Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioural Economics; Board of Tenured Professors


In teaching, one can come across dishonesty and rivalry as well help and cooperation. For instance, a person can hinder a competitor’s learning or misuse the situation of teaching in order to damage a competitor. In the changing world, a blow directed against a person’s ability to learn and to master new kinds of activity can be most damaging. From the point of view of scientific economics, counteraction to a competitor’s learning, or teaching a competitor knowledge that is not to his or her advantage, is an intentional effort to diminish the competitor’s human capital. The author suggests a theoretical approach towards this problem and describes the results of an empirical study.


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How to Cite
ПоддьяковА. Н. (2011). Counteraction to Competitors’ Learning and «Trojan Horse» Teaching in Economic Behaviour. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(3), 65-82.
Economic Psychology