Scenarios of Routine Activity in Medical Doctors and Software Designers

  • Игорь Евгеньевич Высоков


The research aimed at comparing the structures of schematic knowledge, namely, the schemes of routine activity, or scripts, in the representatives of two occupations: medical doctors and software designers. It has been found that, while doctors distinguish more essential features in five scripts than the software designers do, both occupations equal in regards of non-essential features of the scripts. The author suggests the existence of occupation-specific patterns of social experience and scripts development. The results corroborate the main points of R. Schank’s theory of dynamic memory.


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How to Cite
ВысоковИ. Е. (2011). Scenarios of Routine Activity in Medical Doctors and Software Designers. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(4), 126-132.
Work in Progress