Noetic Dimension of Human Being: Viktor Frankl's Contribution to Psychology and Psychotherapy

  • Александр Борисович Орлов Department of Psychology of Personality
  • В. Б. Шумский


In contrast with the majority of psychologists who base their theories on the division between the physical and the psychical, Frankl uses the division between the physical, psychical and the noetic. This is crucial for both psychological theory and practice (therapy and counselling). The article demonstrates in what way the key logotherapy techniques, paradoxical intention and de-reflection, are determined by Frankl's theoretical constructions. The authors argue that Frankl's contribution consists in developing a new philosophy of psychotherapy, and not only in elaborating new techniques. This philosophy accentuates the noetic dimension of a human being, the dimension of his or her essence and existence. A passage from the traditional therapy — linked exclusively to the psychophysical level of humanity — to the new one is a step towards a therapy which helps people experience themselves as noetic beings.


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How to Cite
ОрловА. Б., & ШумскийВ. Б. (2011). Noetic Dimension of Human Being: Viktor Frankl’s Contribution to Psychology and Psychotherapy. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2(2), 65-80.
Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy: Towards Viktor Frankl's Centenary