The Reflexive Psychology of Creativity: Conceptions, Experiments, Practice

  • Игорь Никитович Семенов Department of General and Experimental Psychology


The article introduces a new direction in creativity studies, the reflexive psychology. It describes the historical antecedents and theoretical foundations of the new area, the results of experimental research and its application to education and management. A special attention is given to drawing the typology of psychological and educational interventions that aim at boosting creativity with the help of the original psychotechnologies (of igrorefleksika, or game reflexivity). The author demonstrates that his reflexive psychology can be constructive in such interconnected areas of the human sciences as reflexive acmeology and the pedagogy of creativity.


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How to Cite
СеменовИ. Н. (2011). The Reflexive Psychology of Creativity: Conceptions, Experiments, Practice. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2(4), 65-73.
Creativity: a multifaceted view