Reflective Technologies of Mediation in Modern Foreign Applied Psychology

  • Галина Федоровна Похмелкина
  • Игорь Никитович Семенов Department of General and Experimental Psychology


Rapid development of modern applied psychology has resulted in the elaboration of new approaches and psychological techniques. The mediation technique is one of these new approaches originated in the USA and intensively developed in Europe, particularly in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Modern approaches, principles and methods of mediation (published in German) are analyzed in the article. The experience of use of reflective technologies of mediation in Russian applied psychology is summarized within the context of its interaction with other humanities.


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How to Cite
ПохмелкинаГ. Ф., & СеменовИ. Н. (2011). Reflective Technologies of Mediation in Modern Foreign Applied Psychology. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 5(1), 121-138.
Psychology of Reflection