The Contents of the Person's Moral Consciousness

  • Александра Александровна Гайворонская
Keywords: moral consciousness, psychosemantic methods, reconstruction of the system of individual meanings, repertory grid, role positions, semantic spaces


The issues of moral consciousness contents, of the system of personality-relevant meanings and personal relations are of a special interest for scientific psychology. The given study of person's moral consciousness structure was carried out by means of reconstruction of parameters of personality-relevant meanings which form the basis for self-perception and perception of other people, objects and relationships. The author concludes that person's moral consciousness contents are defined by components of decency and civic position, culture-cognitive component, personality-oriented component. The comparison of factorial structures and locations of role positions in their semantic spaces allows to conclude that personality-relevant meanings which form the contents of constructs are contradictory and they depict the relationships that a person builds with its environment.


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How to Cite
ГайворонскаяА. А. (2011). The Contents of the Person’s Moral Consciousness. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 5(4), 120-125.
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