Search for and Recruiting of Respondents as a Stage of Experimental Research of Matrimony

  • Инга Сергеевна Адмиральская State University of Rio de Janeiro (EGeS/CLAM/UERJ), R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, Maracana, Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: search of respondents, representativeness of sample, methods of recruiting of respondents


The article examines the ways of recruiting the respondents for participation in matrimony research. A comparative analysis of different ways of recruiting is provided and the factors helping to increase the respondents' motivation for participation in an experiment are revealed.


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How to Cite
АдмиральскаяИ. С. (2011). Search for and Recruiting of Respondents as a Stage of Experimental Research of Matrimony. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(2), 153-160.
Work in Progress