The Factors that Influence Perception of Justice of Interaction within Organization

  • Владимир Феликсович Спиридонов Laboratory for Cognitive Research
  • Ирина Константиновна Безменова Russian State University for the Humanities, 6 Miusskaya squ., Moscow, Russia, 125993
  • Ольга Александровна Гулевич
Keywords: criteria of justice of interaction in organization, modified J.A. Colquitt’s questionnaire, factors that influence the estimation of justice of interaction within organization


The article is devoted to the study of perception factor of justice of interaction within organization by its employees. Psychological studies demonstrate that interaction is assessed as fair if definite norms are followed in it. Organizational specificity of these norms is described in J.A. Colquitt’s model which distinguishes four aspects of justice: distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational. The aim of the present study was the analysis of factors that influence the assessment of justice of organizational interaction (in case of certification procedure). The size of organization where the respondents work, the management style of an immediate superior, the status of the employees in the official structure and their self-estimates were taken as such factors. It is shown that all the factors revealed in the study allow predicting evaluation of justice of certification procedure. However, they have different impact on prediction of different aspects of justice of organizational interaction.


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How to Cite
СпиридоновВ. Ф., БезменоваИ. К., & ГулевичО. А. (2011). The Factors that Influence Perception of Justice of Interaction within Organization. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(3), 126-133.
Work in Progress