The Panorama of Development of Philosophical and Psychological System of S.L. Rubinstein in Modern Studies of Human Nature

  • Игорь Никитович Семенов Department of General and Experimental Psychology
Keywords: science, personality, knowledge, psychology, S.L. Rubinstein, philosophy, studies of human nature, pedagogics, system, biography, scientific and professional activity, activity and subject approach, scientific school


The article briefly provides general description of philosophical and psychological system of one of the most prominent Soviet psychologists of the XX century, S.L. Rubinstein. At that, a typological analysis of the main directions of development of his creative heritage is carried out. This analysis is based on the material of the papers presented on the scientific conference «The Problem of Man in the Modern World» which was organized by the Institute of psychology of RAS and was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Sergei Leonidovich Rubinstein. The article gives foundations for the structure of the special theme of the present issue of «Psychology. The Journal of Higher School of Economics» which is devoted to this jubilee and also provides basic bibliography devoted to Rubinstein. In particular, it includes scientific literature on biography and works of S.L. Rubinstein, on his scientific heritage and its development in modern studies of human nature.


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How to Cite
СеменовИ. Н. (2011). The Panorama of Development of Philosophical and Psychological System of S.L. Rubinstein in Modern Studies of Human Nature. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(3), 106-116.
On the 120th Anniversary of S.L. Rubinstein