Personal Traits, Executive Functions, and Genetic Characteristics of Monoamine Oxidase Metabolism

  • Маргарита Валентиновна Алфимова Mental Health Research Centre , 34, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, 115222 Russian Federation
  • Вера Евгеньевна Голимбет Mental Health Research Centre , 34, Kashirskoye shosse, Moscow, 115222 Russian Federation
  • Марина Сергеевна Егорова
Keywords: genes, personality, consciousness, agreeableness, executive functions, neuromodulation, catecholamines, endophenotype


We described the experiments aimed at testing the hypothesis that the influence of some genes on personality traits is due to their influence on neurocognitive differences. For instance, it was proposed that MAOA and DBH genes affect the individual differences in Consciousness because of their influence on executive functions. However, the results showed that DBH gene is associated only with the variability of executive functions and that MAOA gene - with personality traits linked to Agreeableness. Moreover, the executive functions can mediate the influence of MAOA on these traits. We proposed that one of the possible psychological mechanisms, which mediates the influence of MAOA on Agreeableness, is disposition to reinforce socially encouraged forms of behaviors.


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How to Cite
АлфимоваМ. В., ГолимбетВ. Е., & ЕгороваМ. С. (2011). Personal Traits, Executive Functions, and Genetic Characteristics of Monoamine Oxidase Metabolism. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(4), 24-41.
Theoretical and Empirical Research