The place and the role of the risk insurance in the mechanism of reducing the opportunistic behavior

  • О С Белокрылова
Keywords: risk insurance, state and municipal customer, the request for bid


The following article is focused on a method of reducing the high risks of business activities. The insurance is regarded here in details as a method of risks transfer. It is obvious that the customer (the authorized body) often faces the risk of being left both without the support of the application for running a competition or an auction and without the support of the state or municipal contract itself. Provided by the 94-FL law possibility of supporting the application for a competition or an auction and supporting the state or municipal contract by means of a monetary funds pledge is not supported by civil legislation and even contradicts to it. The author states that today the suitability for the state customers to use the
application support during the bidding can often cause serious doubts.


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How to Cite
БелокрыловаО. С. (2011). The place and the role of the risk insurance in the mechanism of reducing the opportunistic behavior. State Procurement: Management, Placement, Maintenance. Academic Appendix, (3), 12-21. Retrieved from
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