Social Mobility in the Post-Soviet Russia: A Revision of Existing Measurements by Drawing on Advanced Methods

  • Gordey Yastrebov National research university Higher School of Economics
Keywords: social mobility, post-Soviet Russia, equality of opportunity, absolute mobility, relative mobility, intragenerational mobility, intergenerational mobility, log-linear modeling, log-multiplicative modeling


Most of existing studies of social mobility in the post-Soviet Russia provide measurements in terms of absolute mobility. However, the problem with such measurements is that they do not account for the structural differences when applied for cross-temporal (or cross-national) comparisons (which might be caused, for instance, by the change in the relative number of certain occupations, the expansion of higher education, etc.). Thus, absolute mobility (be it downward, upward or no mobility at all) does not distinguish the change which is caused by the institutional (i.e. qualitative), rather than the structural (i.e. quantitative) change.

In this project we aim to fill in this gap and to analyze the dynamics of relative social mobility (i.e. mobility “net” of structural factors) in the post-Soviet period. Precisely, we would use the so called log-linear and log-multiplicative models designed to analyze contingency tables. By social mobility in this research we will understand intra- and intergenerational individual shifts in terms of occupational status, education and spatial (i.e. urban/rural) location.

The data we will use come from representative surveys conducted in 1994, 2002, 2006 (2013 is work-in-progress at the stage of grant application). The surveys were initially designed by professor Shkaratan for the purpose of studying mobility and stratification processes in modern Russia. In order to guarantee the accuracy of our results we also intend to run parallel estimations by drawing on alternative data (RLMS, Generations & Gender Survey, International Social Survey Programme and European Social Survey).

Author Biography

Gordey Yastrebov, National research university Higher School of Economics
Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Senior Lecturer, Subdepartment of Economic Methodology and History
Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
How to Cite
YastrebovG. (2014). Social Mobility in the Post-Soviet Russia: A Revision of Existing Measurements by Drawing on Advanced Methods . Journal of Economic Sociology, 15(2), 127-136.
Research Projects