"I Was Not in the "Image" – It Is the Situation When You Work Independently And You Are Free to Behave Like You Want

  • Розалина Владимировна Рывкина National research university Higher School of Economics
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Author Biography

Розалина Владимировна Рывкина, National research university Higher School of Economics

д .  э .  н .,  заслуженный деятель науки ,   зав .  лабораторией экономической социологии Института социально - экономических проблем народонаселения РАН ,  профессор кафедры экономической социологии ГУ – ВШЭ 

How to Cite
РывкинаР. В. (2010). "I Was Not in the "Image" – It Is the Situation When You Work Independently And You Are Free to Behave Like You Want . Journal of Economic Sociology, 9(2), 7-14. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2008-2-7-14