@ARTICLE{26583261_853761758_2012, author = {S. Sergevnin}, keywords = {, governmental power, Separation of Powers, judicial bodies, Judicial Independence, functions of governmental bodies, constitutional principlesconstitutional justice}, title = {Constitutional Justice in a System of Separation of Powers}, journal = {Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики}, year = {2012}, number = {5}, pages = {51-59}, url = {https://law-journal.hse.ru/2012--5/853761758.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The author examines the separate problems of assessing the place and the role of the judicial system as a whole and constitutional justice, in particular, within the system of separation of powers, whilst accounting for the modern juridical nature of various governmental bodies’ powers, as well as their functions.}, annote = {The author examines the separate problems of assessing the place and the role of the judicial system as a whole and constitutional justice, in particular, within the system of separation of powers, whilst accounting for the modern juridical nature of various governmental bodies’ powers, as well as their functions.} }